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Irfan Ahson (interview)

Name: Irfan Ahson
Nickname: Iffy

D.O.B: 14 Sep 74

Favorite dish: Biryani

Give us a brief introduction about yourself?
An engr by training but a self-taught photographer . Hold an MS in civil engineering from USA but doing photography in Pakistan now.
Study background?
Aitchison College, Engineering uni Lahore, Univ of Texas, Austin

Photography as a passion or just a hobby?
Passion, hobby and profession.

How did you got into photography stuff? 
Always wanted to capture nature’s beauty and freeze time.

Who are your inspirations?
Henri Cartier Bresson and Bambi Cantrell

What else are your hobbies except photography? 
Literature and outdoors

You've got fame in a short time span how do you fell about it? 
Alhamdolillah, God has been kind! cant thank enough the public for that. Really feel loved…all due to my parent’s duas and of course the hard work has to be there

Would you like to have interns with you?
I have had a few but the experience was not good. Data privacy is a big issue and one can not compromise on that.

Who is that one person you would like to do or dying to do photo-shoot of? 
Sean Penn

Was photography your passion? 
Yes, it always was but only got a chance to practice it when I went to states and when I could afford the expensive cameras

You mostly do wedding shoots ever thought of doing some other kind of shoots? 
Yes, I am getting bored with weddings, now getting more into fashion and corporate side. My real passion is landscape and nature but just don’t get time to do that anymore.

What is important?
More than good camera, it is the lens but I would suggest that there are few other ingredients that go to making a good shot: lighting, location, chemistry between the couple and of course the gear and skills of the guy behind the camera

Let’s get a bit technical which cameras and editing software's do you use? And it would be really great if you give a short review about it too?
I am using Nikon D800, D600, Canon 5d Mk3, 6D and Mk2 primarily with a host of lenses. For batch processing we use lightroom and CS6 for detailed editing work and album design.

What do you think is there any scope for photography in Pakistan?
The market has changed tremendously and the perception about photography as a career has also changed a lot. A lot of guys are turning towards this as a full time career now. Lot of potential here!

Who has been most supportive while you were becoming a Photographer mum or dad?
My family was against it…throwing my career for something that was just a hobby but now they have all come around.

Any person you would like to say thank to?
All my friends who were there to support me in this journey, especially Irfan Khan. BTW that is not my alter ego. He is a good friend :)

You are one of the top photographers of Pakistan how does it feel?
It feels very humbling and intimidating. Getting to top is easy but staying there is harder so have to keep reinventing all the time. Not an easy job to stay ahead of the pack.

Any moment when you were like I am the best photograph and you are leaving photography?
Not yet.

Which,when,where were the best/interesting events you have covered till now?
In US, I covered the oath ceremony of Governor of Texas. That was a great experience and in Pakistan I have covered few grand weddings. One was in Islamabad actually and it was great fun!

One embarrassing and funny moment while you were on your work?
Haha..happens quite often at weddings. When you are in the middle of the dinner and a fan comes up and says he/she loves my work.

What are the other goals you have?
To establish an independent wedding wing and move on to commercial and fashion work.

Where do you see yourself in next few years?
Honestly, not sure. Maybe in UK or UAE doing engineering work again

Any message for your fans?
Stay true to your art but read the manual and know the basics…and of course work hard!

Views about islotimes?
Great platform for spreading the awareness and sharing the goodness.

Hashim Malik (Interview) 


Name: Hashim Malik

Nickname: funkmaster

D.O.B: 10 Feb 1995

Favorite dish: 
I love food lol specialy spicy desi dishes but shawarma is on top of the list

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I am an easy going down to earth kind of guy , crazy about basketball love nature and have a passion to travel n vist amazing places on earth im a hardworking guy rapping is my passion and always try to be productive and to come up with something new

Eminem , 2pac , Micheal Jordan , Bohemia

Study background?
I did my matriculation from roots and currently doing ics from st marys collage

What are your raps about?
Mostly my raps are about my self and realities of life

Have you ever performed in front of any audience?
Yup many times

Who do you think is the living king of rap?
There are many like dr dre and snoop doog but i personly think eminem is the living king of rap

Define rapping in your own words?
Rapping is showing your emotions and convying message in a much more influncial way

That one rapper you would love to work with? 

Where do you see yourself in next few years?
The future seems bright for me and our band lets hope for the best

Any upcoming projects? 
Yeah 2 new songs have been written just have to record them would be released within no time and we are working on our first album which would be released almost at the end of this year 
Is there any message you consistently try to portray in your music?
yeah the message i usually portray is avoid all kinds of drugs n to respect parents , infact we made our song saneha specially to convey our message to the youngsters

If you got a record deal at this second, would you accept it?
Yes i would accept it only if the rest of our band accepts it.

Where can we find you online? 

Views about youthistan?

Youthistan times is doing a really great job promoting young talent

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